About Us

We are proud of our personal service and attention to detail that makes sure the parts are ready if needed and our customers are running smoothly. Whatever the part, service or need, we make sure the best products in the world at the best prices are delivered again and again.

What We Do

Product Research

We diligently research products for our customers’ specific applications.

Product Delivery

We ensure the best outcomes for on-time product delivery at a competitive price.

After Sales Service

From regular maintenance to breakdown repairs, we provide service after the sale.

About Aries Supplies

We provide products and services for these companies: Terminal Systems(Container Handling),and DP World (Container Facility).

Located in Vancouver Canada, Aries Supplies’ team has over 30 years of combined experience and knowledge in supplying some of the biggest shipping and freight companies throughout the Lower Mainland with all the electrical/lubricant products and services they need to keep their businesses running smoothly.

Aries Supplies proudly provides and sells electrical, lubricant supplies and safety equipment while maintaining a direct relationship with several leading manufacturers from around the world that provide all the full range of items for electrical and lubricant needs for operator’s heavy equipment at competitive prices.

Contact Us

12 + 2 =

Vancouver BC Canada

(604) 836-1804

(604) 202-6793

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